Guareri Filius Andraea cello back
Guareri Filius Andraea cello front
Guareri Filius Andraea cello scroll


A cello by Giuseppe Guarneri 'filius Andreæ'

Cremona, 1693

Giuseppe Guarneri, the son of Andrea, lived a long and productive life, somewhat under the shadow of his contemporaries, Nicolo Amati and Antonio Stradivari, through a relatively turbulent time in Cremonese lutherie. History, however, would judge him as one of Cremona's most highly regarded makers. T... read more

A cello by Giuseppe Guarneri 'filius Andreæ'

Cremona, 1693

Giuseppe Guarneri, the son of Andrea, lived a long and productive life, somewhat under the shadow of his contemporaries, Nicolo Amati and Antonio Stradivari, through a relatively turbulent time in Cremonese lutherie. History, however, would judge him as one of Cremona's most highly regarded makers. The model for this cello is beautifully proportioned, with generous widths across the bouts, reminiscent of the shape of a violin. It is a very fine and unaltered example of this great cello maker’s work. This cello responds very easily and has a warm and colourful sound across all registers. It was the trusted instrument of a well-respected Swiss cellist and pedagogue.
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