Notable Sales
Over the last 50 years, Sotheby’s and Ingles & Hayday have sold many of the world’s finest instruments. Our makers’ archive contains high resolution images of instruments ranging from the great Cremonese masters of the 17th and 18th centuries to the leading modern Italian violin makers. We also feature the work of many rare luthiers, including Bellosio, del Bussetto, Celoniati, Emiliani, Gobetti, Mori Costa, Rota and Zanotti.

The Rosenberg Collection was one of the most important collections ever sold at auction.
It included instruments by Antonio Stradivari, Domenico Montagnana, Andrea Amati, Giuseppe Guarneri ‘filius Andreæ’, Andrea Guarneri, Tommaso Balestrieri, and many other important makers. The collection was sold in 2023 for £8.9m.
Read more about the much-loved Norman Rosenberg and his magnificent collection.
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