Notable Sales: Antonio Stradivari | Violin, 1690
Ex-Stephens; Verdehr
Cremona, 1690
labelled Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1690
length of back 36.4cm.
The first record of ownership of the 1690 ‘ex-Stephens; Verdehr’ is that of Marquis Townsend, a title created in 1787 for George Townsend, 4th Viscount Townsend. It is not known which Marquis Townsend owned the violin, but it was sold to a Mr Pelhan, a Mr Cudland from Northamptonshire, and a Stewart McRae from Newark all before 1925, so it is reasonable to assume the it was owned by the Townsend family until the mid-19th century.
Hart & Son sold the violin to Nathan Posner in 1925, before it was bought by Alfred Stephens in 1927, from whom it received the first part of its name. Stephens also owned the 1714 ‘ex-Joachim; Ma’ Strad, on which Joseph Joachim premiered the Brahms violin concerto. Joachim went on to teach Karl Markees, who owned the ‘ex-Markees’ Stradivari of 1701.
The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. bought the ‘ex-Stephens’ in 1929 but only owned it for a year, selling it to Theophile Schneider in 1930. In 1946 it was acquired by Dr. Harry Backwin through the New York violin dealer, Emil Hermann. Hermann is said to have been captured by Russian troops during the first world war before fleeing Russia to the US after the revolution, bringing with him a fine collection of instruments saved from the Bolsheviks.
The ‘ex-Stephens’ was passed to Madame Gaby Spanoghe before it was bought from Sotheby’s in 1987 by Walter Verdher, a violinist in the Verdher Trio whose ownership lent the violin the second part of its nam
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